Solution 3
Collaborate to solve social and environmental challenges
💡 How can we make our expertise available to associations?
💡 How can we maximise our impact with the time that we have?
💡 How can we promote skill-based volunteering among our staff?
💡 How can we find meaningful activities outside our framework to improve our collaboration skills and tools?
Experiment with your coworkers with an innovation activity (hackathon, workshop) applied to solving the challenges of an association. Learn about innovation methodologies, practice collaboration and momentarily build a bridge with another ecosystem.
Our Programmes
Join our existing programmes or request a personalised one for your team. Discover innovation methodologies, foster collaboration, and connect with new ecosystems through hackathons and workshops.
Impact Trophy
Impact Trophy brings together corporate companies and non-profit organisations. Together, they design and build sustainable solutions to address common social and environmental challenges.
It is a collaborative experimentation aiming to create links between different actors of the ecosystem by bringing them together around a common objective, and enable knowledge transfer between corporate companies and non-profit organisations, in both directions.
Solidarity Skills
This programme is a skill-based volunteering experience for teams of corporate collaborators aiming to solve a definite and narrow association’s challenge. It requires empathy for the association’s mission, beneficiaries and way of operating.
Teams then leverage their specific expertise to answer the needs. It can be through micro-training, best practices sharing, brainstorming, or working sessions.
Contact Me
Alexandre Philippe
Would you like to explore how your team’s expertise can support an association? Have a 30-minute consultation with me and explore the ways possible.