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IKEA (2017) — CSR Workshop


How to connect our different stakeholders and enable them to collaborate and design new solutions with a circular economy model?


We designed and delivered an ideation day for corporate employees and other players in the textile sector with the support of our circular economy experts and innovation facilitators.

We facilitated the co-design of the Hackathon with some of the main players in the ecosystem, and, during the ideation day itself, we mobilised our facilitators to work with each team and supported them to create a concrete project by the end of the day.

Project Impact

3 different projects, with a potential positive impact on society, have been invented and IKEA is continuing to support them.

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We would be pleased to exchange with you on your Sustainability Challenges. Where are you at? Where do you want to be? What could be your next steps? Let’s have a chat!

Phone: +32 478 45 23 63