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NGroup — Extract of the Collaboration Board

Project Impact

All NGroup departments were present for this brainstorming. Everyone quickly aligned themselves on the sub-issues and why NGroup is meeting this challenge today.

We were able to land on around ten actions to develop this semester. The departments concerned took up these actions to develop action plans and present them to their teams.

Around ten ideas were discussed but will require more meetings to explore how to implement them.


Twice a year, NGroup management meets to discuss the last semester and plan ahead during a co-creation or inspirational workshop for the next semester.


For its June 1st meeting, NGroup called on us to facilitate a co-creation workshop around the theme: “The NGroup brand: How could we become NGroup to establish our leadership externally?”.


As part of this meeting, we proposed a three-step workshop in order to get the 10 people present on a series of quick wins and an action plan to be put in place by the end of the year.

We supported them in:
– The alignment of everyone and the prioritisation of the challenges to be tackled, thus clarifying the semantics of the terms “Becoming NGroup”, “Leadership” and “Outwards, and the sub-themes that result from them;
– The design of actions and their prioritisation, according to their feasibility and impact.

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We would be pleased to exchange with you on your Sustainability Challenges. Where are you at? Where do you want to be? What could be your next steps? Let’s have a chat!

Phone: +32 478 45 23 63