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Explore the client cases, where our shared commitment to innovation unfolds in unique stories. These narratives reveal how our solutions drive real-world impact, shaping a successful future.


We co-facilitated a morning workshop at Paradise City around two key challenges, with the support of an Accenture consultant to observe participants.
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Actiris: Intermaison

We organised co-creation workshops between social partners for innovative solutions for employment in the Brussels region.
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Actiris: Papillon

We designed a programme aiming at redesigning the partnerships processes in Actiris.
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Actiris: Training

We designed a 4-day training to develop the hard and soft skills of innovation and its facilitation in organisations.
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We co-facilitated an innovation program, where projects from selected schools were challenged by education stakeholders and innovation experts.
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AXA: Acceleration Programme

We designed and delivered a 1-day workshop that leveraged collective intelligence and enabled best-practice sharing in a very fast way, with 10 facilitators.
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AXA: Social Team Building

We designed and coordinated an ideation day for 12 young graduates where the purpose was to solve two main challenges that Redder is facing everyday.
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B Lab

We delivered a 2-day ideation workshop to create new service offers to support Large Enterprises’ and Multinationals’ transition.​
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Be Planet

We designed and facilitated a half-day workshop where employees from corporate organizations joined societal projects and help them in business areas.
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BNP Paribas: Impact Now

We co-launched the first Impact Now and delivered 4 workshops in several Belgian cities.
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BNP Paribas: Virtual Solidarity

In partnership with Hu-Bu, we developed a programme we called "Virtual Solidarity Team Building".
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Bpost Bank

We designed and delivered a unique learning programme where talents acquired the right mindset, tools and methodologies to be an intrapreneur.
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We facilitated a half-day workshop based on the World Café methodology to generate ideas around mobility, people and environment.
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Bristol Myers Squibb

We launched a long-term programme to engage and train 20 innovation champions where they try new ways of working in co-creation with stakeholders.
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We facilitated a one-day workshop to generate ideas around zero waste, and invited 20 people to accelerate three CSR projects.
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Case: European Commission

We co-designed two online Hackathons: Empowering Woman Social Hackathon (2021) and Green Hackathon (2020) based on our 4D Methodology.
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Case: Particitiz

We participated in the facilitation of several citizen consultations designed by Particitiz, with: Neder-Over-Heembeek, Saint-Gilles and European Commission.
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Case: VOO

We engaged a multidisciplinary team of collaborators to answer the challenge: Why isn’t the client base growing sufficiently?
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Case: Women in Tech

A 2-day Hackathon organised in partnership with DigitYser and Interface3 based on our 4D methodology, with the support of our Super Heroes.
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Case: XR4Heritage

XR4Heritage is a heritage enhancement programm. We organised a 3-day Hackathon to boost the solution finding of the participants after an inspirational module.
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Circle U

Every year the network Circle U organises a Hackathon for which we design the methodology and the facilitation, and overview the organisation.
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One of our main client, the major tech player Cisco, has initiated an innovation journey that now inspires more and more ecosystems. We are proud to have partnered with a pioneer and witnessed the evolution of the culture.
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Cisco x Foodarity: Virtual Giving Back

In 2021, among tens of propositions of on-site activities, we proposed a virtual activity for people that prefer volunteering with their brainpower and/or from their homes.
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Cisco: Innovation Challenge

We organised a Zoom on the impact of the programme "Cisco Innovation Studio" in 2020. In total, we trained 12 Cisco collaborators.
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Cisco: Innovation Studio

We held a training journey on the hard and soft skills to facilitate innovation: the Cisco Innovation Studio.
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Cisco: Volunteering Week

We co-organise volunteering weeks with Cisco's team where they have the opportunity to take a working day to support an association.
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We organised a 3-day Hackathon to engage and train collaborators on our innovation methodology (the 4Ds) by solving their internal challenges.​
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EFP’s Got Talent

We facilitated a 1-day Hackathon where students could meet each other, share their ideas and develop a first proof-of-concept with the support of innovation experts.
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Environnement Brussels: #Ideate4Climate

We co-organised and facilitated a 2-day Hackathon during the festival for Brussels Environment and helped several entrepreneurs make their projects happen!
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We designed a remote programme to bring awareness and popularisation of the CSR strategy to acknowledge the gap between the “as is” and the “to be”.
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Etex: Marketing Department

We organised an engagement workshop during the "Sustainability" conference for Etex.
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We organised and facilitated a one-day training and design sprint with more than 60 employees, who were interested to accelerate an intrapreneurial project.
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Fablabs Brussels

We organised 3 workshops to create alignment on the projects to conduct and co-create the network’s action plan for the next 2 years.
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We facilitated a 2-day Hackathon to accelerate the emergence of one unique value proposition to solve the Forem’s challenge.
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Future-proof Long-term Strategy

We worked with content produced by Human Futures Studio and organised a 3-day workshop for the long-term strategy definition of a major corporation in Belgium.
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We organised a 2-hour design sprint during Greenfish’s inspiring conference for participants to connect and accelerate their projects together.
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During the lockdown in April 2020 and in February 2021, we organised an online Hackathon​ for Brussels citizens to find solutions to urgent challenges related to improving the post-crisis situation in Brussels.
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We facilitated a design sprint with the support our tech experts to enable Holcim’s employees to prototype participants’ first-stage solutions.
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We invented a unique activity for hundreds of employees where we combined creativity, hands-on work and intellectual brainstorming to bring to life the impact-driven culture of our client.
Read More Transition

We facilitated an ideation process for 50 participants to build connections and a better understanding.
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IKEA: CSR Workshop

We designed and delivered an ideation day for corporate employees and other players in the textile sector.
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IKEA: Welcome Home

We are coordinating part of the IKEA's Welcome Home programme designed to support vulnerable single-parent families in gaining access to decent housing.​
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Infrabel: CSR Workshop

We supported the facilitation of a one-day Hack programme where tech developers, business stakeholders and students imagined and built first-stage solutions.
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Infrabel: Eureka Programme

Since 2022, we have been the innovation partner of the Eureka Programme. The programme aims to support and stimulate the internal innovation culture.
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Keytrade Bank

We designed and facilitated an ideation program based on the World Café methodology to engage innovation talents and accelerate projects.
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We supported an entrepreneur-in-residence to accelerate their project by applying tried and tested innovation methodologies.
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Maison de l’Emploi 1080

A series of 3 co-creation workshops involving local actors to address how Molenbeek jobseekers and companies meet to generate sustainable job placements?
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Multipharma: Climate Fresk

We organised a one year's programme to bring together a community of in-house Sustainability Ambassadors and co-create practical solution to environmental challenges.
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Multipharma: CSR Workshop

We organised a 2h30 CSR workshop with one department to start this awareness journey.
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For its June 1st meeting, NGroup called on us to facilitate a co-creation workshop around the theme: "The NGroup brand: How could we become NGroup to establish our leadership externally?".
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Orange launched its FabLab, for which we regularly organise a training of 2 full weeks where a small cohort of 10 people go through the innovation methodology to solve the challenge of an ASBL.
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Paradigm: Digital Transformation

We facilitated a 2-day workshop for the team to co-create the new operational plan of the Digital Transformation department.
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Paradigm: European Digital Act

We facilitated the first “Les Rencontres du Numérique” on the topic of the European Digital Act.
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Paradigm: Hackathon

We set the scene for the organisation of a Hackathon with the team of the Sustainable IT Department.
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Réseau Entreprendre

We organised a 3-day, online Hackathon for 15+ entrepreneurs to help them rethink their business model, and adapt their services and products.
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We facilitated a half-day design sprint to answer the question: How can we mobilise our innovation talents around and make our first initiatives more concrete?
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We supported Sofina’s Corporate Social Responsible (CSR) Committee to better understand and conceptualise aspects of what it means to be a responsible company.​
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We Can Help

We would be pleased to exchange with you on your Sustainability Challenges. Where are you at? Where do you want to be? What could be your next steps? Let’s have a chat!

Phone: +32 478 45 23 63