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Davidson (2021) — Hackathon

Output 6 Months After the Hackathon

Davidson committed to the implementation of the solutions. 2 of the collaborators present during the Hackathon oversaw the implementation.

All participants reported:
– Learning something new regarding innovation methodologies,​
– Feeling energised and more involved at the end of the Hackathon,
– Using the methodology in their day to day work as consultant and project manager.

Davidson launched an important internal work after the Hackathon we organised for them. 25 people are working on 8 solutions, all born during the Hackathon.


A 3-day Hackathon to engage and train collaborators on our innovation methodology (the 4Ds) by solving their internal challenges.​


Collaborators had expressed a desire to be trained in innovation methodologies and collective intelligence processes. The programme’s goal was to transfer our knowledge and empower them to become actors in the future of their company.

In teams, they solved the challenge: How might we build the Davidson of the future while preserving Davidson’s values and resources?

Solutions that emerged became internal projects carried out by collaborators armed with innovation tools.

Output After the Hackathon

One of the group presented after 2 days:​ the Pill’s project​.

WHY: Davidson has strong values that constitute its DNA and its successes on the road to 100 consultants Davidson must not lose them and even strengthen them for better visibility.

HOW: By reinforcing the existing 6 CO’s (Communication, Co-working, Collaboration, Coaching, Co-creation, Cooptation).

– The creation of an online interactive internal communication platform for better communication and better knowledge of the internal processes,​
– The involvement of consultants in the recruitment process for a better onboarding, understanding of the profiles needed, etc.,
– The organisation of talks held by Davidson collaborators on the TEDx model to improve the knowledge of each consultant.

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