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Ashoka (2017) — Edushakers


“We chose Impact Valley as we wanted to co-organise Education Shakers with specialists of organizing hackathons. We wanted to be able to benefit from their experience and network. And because their team is very professional and nice to work with!” — Caroline de Cartier, Programme Manager at Ashoka Belgium.


How can we disrupt education and enable stakeholders to design solutions and accelerate their projects using the principles of innovation?


We co-facilitated an innovation program with a one-day ideation workshop as a key milestone, where projects from selected schools were challenged by education stakeholders and innovation experts. Entrepreneurs in education were invited to pitch their projects and identify their levers and potential blockages with the help of the community.

Together with assigned facilitators, they generated ideas for solutions and helped project owners develop projects into concrete action plans. The best projects were given awards.

Project Impact

6 projects have been accelerated and one of them, which is soon to be implemented, has been awarded significant financial support.

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We would be pleased to exchange with you on your Sustainability Challenges. Where are you at? Where do you want to be? What could be your next steps? Let’s have a chat!

Phone: +32 478 45 23 63