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Future-proof Long-term Strategy


We worked closely with an internal team to co-create the design of these workshops that consisted of:

A Kick-off to align all the participants by presenting the journey and its objective, the present analysis, and the future scenarios and answering all their questions;

An ideation workshop to create the next 7 years priorities to stay relevant. We immersed participants in the 5 scenarios of the future, facilitated the definition of challenges the company will face if these scenarios turn out to be a reality in 7 years, and stimulated the creativity of the team to come up with strategic axes and actions to invest on;

A definition workshop to deep dive into the strategic axes defined during the previous workshop.

After these, the co-creation journey continues. The team will consult all its stakeholders (customers and collaborators) to confront their results. Then departments will continue to define the strategic plan and translate its axes into operational actions.


We held a series of co-creation workshops based on content from the future.

What if you could hear the voices of your stakeholders from the Future to help you define your organisation’s long-term strategy?

What environments do they evolve in?

What are their concerns?

What do they do for a living?

And more importantly, how can your company support them?


We accompanied a multinational company in the definition of its long-term strategy.

Preliminary to the co-creation process we facilitated, Human Futures Studio created 5 potential worlds from extensive interviews depicting the possible future behaviours of the customers in the company’s sector.

We then co-create and organised a 3-day workshop for the long-term strategy definition of a major corporation in Belgium. 15 people from the management team participated in this journey of co-creation.

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We would be pleased to exchange with you on your Sustainability Challenges. Where are you at? Where do you want to be? What could be your next steps? Let’s have a chat!

Phone: +32 478 45 23 63