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Cisco (2020) — Innovation Studio, Virtual Innovation Challenge


We organised a Zoom on the impact of the programme “Cisco Innovation Studio” in 2020. In total, we trained 12 Cisco collaborators.

1 — They are immersed. They participate to an innovation workshop or hackathon following the 4D methodology.

2 — They follow a 4-days training on the 4D methodology, collective intelligence technics, and innovation tools.

3 — They organise their own internal hackathon with clients. Clients bring a challenge and a team of minimum 5 persons. Cisco newly trained facilitator They offer a space and facilitation for their clients to solve their own

Project Impact

In a nutshell, we developed a program to make a skill transfer. We teach to corporate talents how to facilitate and organise Hackathons, as well as coach them to become actors and foster innovation in their organizations.

We did the training with a wave of coaches in Cisco in 2020. 

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We would be pleased to exchange with you on your Sustainability Challenges. Where are you at? Where do you want to be? What could be your next steps? Let’s have a chat!

Phone: +32 478 45 23 63